Organic Coconut Oil as an ingredient in Purestuf Natural Skin care

Purestuf Natural skin care has included Organic Coconut Oil in all its cream based products for the last 20 years and the benefits are clear to see.

This article explores the benefits of coconut oil in general and its recent popularity in forms like coconut water.

Coconut Oil has been found to have many benefits for humans and in particular within the formulation of skin care products.

The most well known advantage of coconut oil in skincare is its ability to block out up to 20 % of the suns ultraviolet rays and provide additional sunscreen protection.

It has also been shown to improve the moisture content of the skin and repair dry skin. It is also a wonderful oil which we use in our anti aging products. Its moisturizing ability helps to reduce the amount of wrinkles and dry skin spots.

natural skin careIt is great when added to formulas for psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema . We use it in Hope Cream and Inspired Cream.

Coconut oil has also been shown to benefit people looking for weight loss solutions, assist digestion, prevent candida, have therapeutic effects in disorders like epilepsy and alzheimers, reduce the risk of heart disease and seizures. among many other benefits. This article explains more. 

Populations that base their diet around coconuts are generally in excellent health and have very little evidence of heart disease.

As the benefits of coconuts become more widely accepted many new forms of buying coconut products expands and now includes products like coconut water, coconut soaps, coconut spreads, coconut flour, coconut sugar and more.

For now we are thrilled that the awareness of the benefits of coconuts is becoming more widely understood and that we have and will continue to use organic coconut oil as a basic ingredient in all our skin care products.

purestuf natural skin acreChrissy Birdsall is a renowned beauty and skincare authority, with over 40 year’s industry experience. Her boutique skincare business, Purestuf Natural Skincare, uses the finest natural and organic ingredients. The products are available for purchase online at or by contacting 0402 791 273 or